Big News, Ladies and Gentlemen! 

This July I happened to be invited as a soloist for Un Violon Sur Le Sable festival in Royan. And as a soloist I was proposed to make my own show. July 24th, 2016 I will forever officially call the First- Birth of my one-woman show “JazzVille: Solo”.

I am proud to say that JazzVille happened because I had support and help of my team. A wonderful, wondrous team: my dearest husband, my partner in crime and love, best friend as well as bassist and professional composer David Duffy (check out his new website). David takes care of all music part and sound design.

Lionel menard 2

Miraculously I met a great actor, director – Lionel Menard, who work with me on dramaturgy and theatrical part of the piece. Actually I met Lionel thankfully to Alexandre Flet, my artistic friend, to whom I spoke about my show as well. You see, universe works. You have to keep going, search, talk, imagine, work towards. And things will fall into places. Just to say, Lionel graduated from the “École Internationale de Mimodrame de Paris” directed by Marcel Marceau.He was an actor in Compagnie Marcel Marceau and CIE Philippe Genty.


The last, but not least I would love to give credit to Melanie Brisard, my dear friend, swing dancer from Toulouse, who happened by chance to be in Royan on vacation. Melanie was my assistant, interpreter for the whole Violon event. I gave her a role in my piece and asked to help with costume changes. She was on top of it all! Without her it would have been really hard.



Let me tell you about the first performance. JazzVille touched the stage and saw it’s first spectators in Château de Mons, Royan, France. On stage with me I had musicians from Opera de Paris: Stephane on piano, Sylvain on bass and  Stephane on drums. All three of them are classical musicians for the event Un Violon is mostly about classical music. The amount of work that they had to do was unimaginable and they made it happen for me with only 6h of rehearsals together and 2 days of practice just before we have met.

Was it challenging? It was, of course 🙂 It was challenging because I was performing outside on the open stage, under the 27+ heat, with no light design and proper changing screen, with 1500 people in front, with 3 classically  trained musicians, with lack of proper rehearsals. On top of it all I needed to dance for 1.15 min, sing as well, act and, voila, change costumes within 1 min. But it was AMAZING, my friends! Because we turned all of this circumstances that could seem obstacles into our advantages.
I am so happy! There is not enough words. I’ve been carrying this idea and talking about it for ca. 2 years. I wanted my own show in, with, about Jazz music & dance. I wanted to sculpt 6 years of my story with Jazz music and dance. I wanted to spotlight all the steps I made in my personal discovery and exploration of the different styles of jazz dancing: from Afro, through Ragtime, Charleston, Swing, Jazz to bebop and House dance. Discovering them one by one I know and feel that as Louis Armstrong said once: Dreams come true, you can make the, become true 🙂

The next pre premiere showing is October 30th, 2016 in Cork, Ireland, within the Cork Jazz Festival.

One of my favourite pianist is going to play in the show with me 🙂 Be sure, you will see my show in your city touring in the next 1-2 years! 

A little teaser for you: